Kamis, 23 September 2010

Nasi Uduk

Located Nasi Uduk on Jl. Solo, exactly right in front of Mac Mohan Shop next Malaya's pharmacy, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Actually, these almost same as "Gudeg", but this using "nasi uduk" and there added fried soy and tempe. The seller is an old woman which brings "bakul nasinya". You should take away, because no place to sit. This food can be one of menu for your breakfast because the portion is not too much, and if you not too like spicy, you shouldn't add "krecek". For the price, start from Rp. 10.000 (depending on the selected side dishes). Open from 6am - 9am.

Nasi Uduk Ayam Tahu without krecek

2 komentar:

  1. ini namanya nasi liwet, mbak :)

  2. Aku sih biasanya bilangnya nasi uduk, soalnya nasinya pake nasi uduk sm kering tempenya,ehehe.. tp ya mirip sih sm nasi liwet jg.. thx infonya ya.. :)
